Women’s Day March-Sevilla
Well, it rained, I’ll tell you that. And rained. Not a light drizzle either. RAIN. And we marched. And danced. La manifestación del 8M. The March on International Women’s Day, Friday, March 8 en Sevilla. There were 3 bands called batucadas, made of mostly women (+ some men dancing which was so lovely to see) - drumming ensembles with Afro-Brazilian roots. Oh my goodness. what energy. what sounds. Some of our faces painted with thin lines and blood lines.
“Ni las mujeres ni la tierra somos territorio de conquista”
“Neither women nor the land are territories to be colonized”
That was the theme for the march! How could I not go?
And PALESTINE!. There were keffiyehs and flags and signs.
I felt the beauty of what happens when you walk out loud, with a community all around you.
I felt the beauty too of YOUR VOICE AS CATALYST because the first group of sessions had just ended and I was soaring to have seen folks speak their passion. (a new journey starts March 27, read more here).
For me, everything is a catalyst these days. :)
Photos and Videos below.
CALL YOUR VOICE BACK, I want to say to every woman who feels who has lost hers to the dark or the light or the whatever or the whenever.
And really, I wish us all our own experience of batucada. I wish us all a trip to Salvador de Bahia where my friend says it’s all bautcada, all the time and there’s a specific dance that goes with it. The deep drums, the deep stories, the deep dances, onwards onwards…
yours in dance, silence, drums and freedom!
PS: just got this first testimonial from Your Voice as Catalyst: Olé Dominique! more to come…
On this journey I saw some beautiful beings, five women, and one man. I feel ready to discover more of the world, I feel lighter about pouring my heart out, all corners of it. Our facilitator, Shebana Coelho is a true magician constantly pulling different facets of her multi dimensionality and joyful self out of her universal hat.
~ Dominique Mazeaud
video by Rocío Cobo