Upcoming workshops & events

to Dec 21

Your Voce as Catalyst


~ for hidden revolutionaries, healers, coaches, artists, leaders ~

a 6 week journey to create ONE POWERFUL EXPRESSION of CONFIDENCE that frees you to act on what is calling you

SIX 90 MINUTE SESSIONS online starting Saturday, November 16 and ending on the Winter Solstice - so we speak our CREEDS out into the world as the light returns….

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Visual artists celebrating bogland. The music of his friends and admirers celebrating the memory of Seán Garvey. A dancer from India and an Irish cellist celebrating the story of Scéine with new composition and choreography. Poetry celebrating all of these. Join in the Ceiliúradh with the artists. Beidh ard-oíche ann! Bí linn! Tickets are free, please book in advance.

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Converations across America

The Women In The Arts and Media Coalition


Conversations In America:

2020 Vision - The Year We Saw Everything

The Women In The Arts and Media Coalition will be presenting a virtual online production of Conversations in America: 2020 Vision - The Year We Saw Everything, a compilation of short pieces from members of our full and affiliate member organizations. During the early days of the pandemic, as we were all in hiding, so many new and old issues came out of hiding or were made visible in new ways. We requested submissions in 2021 on all kinds of Discrimination; movements including BLM, TimesUp, and MeToo; and the many divisions in the country. This event is the result.

Included are short plays and films, monologues, songs, and more. For Women’s History Month, the initial showing will be free on Zoom on Saturday, March 19, 2022 at 3pm EST (that time allows for participants from across the country and around the world to attend) - reservations required.

Artists Whose Work is Represented Include: Mary Bonnett, Lava Buckley & Angelique Midthunder, B.J. Burton, G. Victoria Campbell, Shebana Coelho, Amy Engelhardt, Sonya Hayden, Debbie Lamedman, E.P. McKnight, Amy Oestreicher, Harriet Reynolds, Stephanie Satie, Dana Schwartz, Germaine Shames, Deanne Stillman, Candece Tarpley, Towanda Underdue, and BC Voices.

RSVP is through EventBrite ( bit.ly/wamconva2020 )

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Sovereign States
to Jan 23

Sovereign States

a workshop for Zuni women to explore what colonizes, what liberates
and create StoryPoems about race, place, and belonging.
Facilitated by Shebana Coelho

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